The United Workers Party (UWP) has issued a resolute declaration of war against corruption and victimization in Saint Lucia, following a series of troubling revelations that have rocked the nation. The announcement comes amidst mounting concerns over transparency, accountability, and ethical governance within the current administration.

The UWP’s call to action comes on the heels of several alarming developments:

  1. Unaccounted Citizenship by Investment Funds: Allegations that a staggering US$1.4 billion of citizenship by investment funds remain unaccounted for and the unlawful transfer of funds to Caribbean Galaxy raises serious questions about financial mismanagement and transparency within the government.
  2. Victimization of Vendors: Reports of victimization of vendors in Castries by Local Government Minister Richard Frederick have sparked outrage among citizens, highlighting the need to protect the rights and livelihoods of all citizens, especially those in vulnerable positions.
  3. Secretive Port Deals: Concerns have been raised regarding the secretive nature of the government’s dealings, particularly the giveaway of two of Saint Lucia’s ports of entry. The lack of transparency in such crucial matters continues to erode public trust in the Philip J Pierre led administration.
  4. Intimidation of Civil Servants: Disturbing reports have emerged of intimidation tactics being used against civil servants who dare to speak out against the numerous scandals plaguing the government. This culture of fear stifles dissent and undermines the democratic process.

In response to these alarming developments, UWP Leader and Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Allen Chastanet, has issued a rallying cry for all Saint Lucians to unite in the fight against corruption and victimization. He emphasizes the importance of holding the government accountable for its actions and ensuring that the rights and interests of all citizens are protected and he made a clarion call to all Public Servants that it is their duty to protect the people, not the Ministers.

“Enough is enough,” declared Hon. Allen Chastanet. “The rampant corruption, victimization, and lack of transparency cannot be allowed to continue unchecked. It is time for us to stand together and demand accountability from those in power. The UWP is committed to leading the charge against corruption and fighting for a government that serves the interests of all Saint Lucians.”

The UWP calls on all citizens, civil society organizations, and stakeholders to join forces in this critical battle for transparency, accountability, and good governance. Together, we can build a brighter future for Saint Lucia, free from corruption and victimization.

From the desk of the PRO
United Workers Party