Tag: transparency

Prime Minister betrays public trust

The United Workers Party continues to raise its concern over a motion moved in Parliament on Tuesday, 13 February to borrow USD 42 million or EC 113 million dollars from the CDB as a policy-based loan. The passage of this resolution has sparked controversy and concern since the Prime Minister in his presentation revealed that there are 8 conditionalities attached…

UWP Condemns Speaker Claudius Francis’ Attempt to Suppress Parliamentary Transparency

To the surprise and disgust of many Saint Lucians, Speaker Claudius Francis has announced intentions to potentially cease live coverage of the sessions of Parliament.  In this modern age, live coverage gives the public the opportunity to engage in the democratic process and to hear robust debate on the issues and the thinking behind decisions made on their behalf. This…

Housing Minister Richard Frederick admits publicly to illegal accessing of Police Information

During a recent episode of his talk show, Minister Richard Frederick shockingly revealed that he has been obtaining confidential information from police officers to serve his personal interests. He disclosed that police officers supply him with sensitive details on various matters. This admission has been met with disbelief and anger from the public, as it raised serious questions about the…

UWP Accuses Government of Using Suppression to Protect the Victory

The Opposition United Workers Party remains deeply concerned about the growing use of Suppression by the Government of Saint Lucia as a form of protecting their victory. The Opposition has been made aware of several reports of abuse of the civil liberties of law-abiding citizens in the south under the Government’s Suppression of Escalated Crime (Police Powers) which has given…