Tag: Virginia Albert Poyotte

How much healthcare for Joachim Henry and Virginia Albert-Poyotte cost Taxpayers?

Recent events surrounding the healthcare expenditures of Ministers Joachim Henry and Virginia Albert Poyotte in Martinique under the leadership of Prime Minister Philip J Pierre have cast a shadow of doubt on the government’s commitment to openness. The lack of disclosure regarding the exact amount of taxpayers’ money spent on the medical treatment of these ministers raises serious concerns about…

Inefficiencies at Saint Lucia’s Passport Office:A Tale of Privilege and Injustice

The role of a government is to serve its citizens equitably and efficiently, ensuring equal access to essential services. However, recent revelations regarding the disparities between a private company’s expedited passport services and the regular application process at the Passport Office in Saint Lucia have raised concerns about fairness and transparency. This stark contrast exposes the inherent inefficiencies within the…

Saint Lucia Government’s Regressive Passport Policies: Burdening Citizens and Obstructing Mobility

After increasing the cost of acquiring a passport, then also reducing the passport validity from 10 years down to 5 years, Saint Lucians continue to suffer with prolonged delays in the passport issuance process under this SLP Administration. The actions of the Government have left thousands of Saint Lucian citizens feeling frustrated, burdened, and restricted in their ability to travel…