After increasing the cost of acquiring a passport, then also reducing the passport validity from 10 years down to 5 years, Saint Lucians continue to suffer with prolonged delays in the passport issuance process under this SLP Administration.

The actions of the Government have left thousands of Saint Lucian citizens feeling frustrated, burdened, and restricted in their ability to travel whilst Government Ministers travel in luxury at the expense of tax payers on a weekly basis.

These regressive measures have significantly impacted the lives of individuals and families, hindering their freedom of movement and undermining the government’s responsibility to serve its people. Many students who have to travel for school and citizens who need to receive healthcare overseas have faced repeated delays in obtaining a passport.

Saint Lucians deserve a government that prioritizes their needs and ensures the provision of efficient, affordable, and accessible passport services. #PuttingYouWorse#PierreEhCare#LabourPains

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