In what was supposed to be the year of infrastructure development for Saint Lucia, Leader of the Opposition Hon. Allen Chastanet has made the stunning revelation that the budget of Infrastructure Minister Stephenson King has seen a staggering reduction of $50 million reduction as per the Government of Saint Lucian’s Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for 2024/2025

The condition of Saint Lucia’s infrastructure in particular roads has reached an all-time low, with potholes resembling craters and stretches of crumbling asphalt causing havoc for motorists and pedestrians alike. Despite promises of infrastructure improvements by both the Prime Minister and the Minister, the reality on the ground tells a different story.

The implications of this budget cut extend far beyond mere inconvenience for commuters. Poor road conditions not only contribute to increased vehicle maintenance costs but also pose significant safety risks for motorists and pedestrians. Additionally, the state of the infrastructure will have a detrimental impact on the country’s economy, hindering tourism and overall development efforts.

When will Prime Minister Philip J Pierre and Minister Stephenson King stop playing games with citizens of this country? #PierreEhCare#PuttingYouWorse#SaveOurSaintLucia#PeoplePower

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