TOWARDS AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM OF HEALTH CARE The UWP believes in an integrated system of health care at the local level that requires the public and private sectors to work together towards common objectives. The goal of this UWP Administration has been to establish a structured, systematic, evolving and affordable system of health care which characterised by excellence in service…

EDUCATION In order to realise the transformation in our economic fortunes and attain the social conditions necessary for lifting Saint Lucians from the state of decay which we inherited from the SLP Administration, education has been given highest priority. The UWP sees education as providing the platform to enable all citizens of Saint Lucia to attain their full human potential.…

Our economy was on the brink of a collapse. The SLP Government has a consistent track record of causing either economic stagnation or economic degradation – and the last five years is no different. Moreover, our economy had consistently performed worse among the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union under Labour causing us to lose our enviable leading position among member states.…

The government of the St. Lucia Labour Party has badly mishandled affairs concerning the security of our country and the administration of justice. Confidence in the institutions of justice and law enforcement is at an all-time low and morale and motivation among those assigned to these institutions are non-existent. The police force has been demoralized; and failure to provide facilities…

EMPOWERING YOUNG PEOPLE THROUGH EDUCATION AND TRAINING Young people differ in their skills, experiences, lifestyles, problems, capacities, but in this very diversity may reside their strength as a group, making them a most valuable resource to our nation and of considerable importance to our long term development. It is often said that the youth of today are the leaders of…

The United Workers Party considers Agriculture a critical factor for reducing poverty, creating employment and generating income. UWP believes that agriculture is a fundamental instrument in Saint Lucia’s quest for sustainable development particularly in rural areas and the general economy. In this regard the UWP has fostered a commercialised and entrepreneurial approach to farming and fishing; and created the environment…

As the mainstay of our economy, the tourism sector has been reengineered and reenergized to achieve its full potential. The sector has been used as a major catalyst to facilitate real economic growth. We have created a tourism product that is globally competitive, environmentally and socially sustainable; one that provides viable opportunities for indigenous investment; and a product that will…

ADAPTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE AND CARING FOR THE ENVIRONMENT The UWP believes that Climate Change is one of the gravest threats we face as a people and that urgent action is required so that it does not undermine the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Internationally, we are engaged with countries and agencies that can assist us in adapting…

EXPANDING AND IMPROVING THE INFRASTRUCTURE The UWP has always been committed to providing the enabling environment, including the physical infrastructure, as the backbone for the expansion and efficiency of the private and public sectors. We have therefore continued with the provision of essential infrastructural projects including major roads, as well as the airport and seaport expansion programmes. Moreover, it is…