
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

It was incredible to hear the Prime Minister describe the United Workers Party team as “desperate unemployables”. What a statement for him to make when that description is more applicable to him and his team than to anyone else. As Prime Minister and Member of Parliament for Castries East, he has milked the taxpayers of this country for twenty-five plus…

The Glaring Incompetence of Labour & Public Service Minister Virginia Albert-Poyotte

In the realm of public service, effective leadership is paramount to fostering a harmonious work environment and ensuring the smooth functioning of government departments. Unfortunately, the tenure of Labour Minister Virginia Albert-Poyotte has been marked by a series of troubling events, with multiple government agencies resorting to industrial action under her watch. This pattern not only raises concerns about her…

Minister Stephenson King’s Dismissive Stance: A Concerning Response to Bus Drivers’ Road ConcernsMin

In recent weeks, the pressing issue of road conditions in our country has come to the forefront as bus drivers, the backbone of our public transportation system, raised their voices to demand much-needed attention to the deteriorating infrastructure. Unfortunately, Infrastructure Minister Stephenson King’s response has been far from the understanding and proactive approach that citizens deserve. The concerns expressed by…

UWP says No To Racism

The United Workers Party (UWP) stands unwaveringly against racism, firmly believing in the principles of equality, justice, and unity. Committed to fostering an inclusive society, the UWP advocates for a political landscape that rejects any form of discrimination, whether based on race, ethnicity, or background. The party recognizes the strength found in the diversity of Saint Lucia and promotes policies…

Undemocratic Maneuvers: A Critique of Attempted Legislation to Bar Allen Chastanet from Office

The essence of democracy lies in fair and open elections where citizens have the right to choose their representatives. The proposed alteration of laws to target a specific individual, in this case, Hon. Allen Chastanet, strikes at the heart of democratic principles. It raises serious questions about the intentions behind such legislation and the erosion of fair political practices. The…

Joachim Henry no longer incharge of National Conservation Authority. Why the lack of Transparency?

The decision by Prime Minister Philip J Pierre to dismiss Joackim Henry from his role as the Minister with responsibility for the National Conservation Authority (NCA) has raised several questions and concerns among the public. Notably, the lack of public notice regarding this significant decision has left many wondering about the rationale behind the abrupt removal of an elected official…

Axe the Tax

Saint Lucians have found themselves grappling with the burdens of a new 2.5% tax imposed by the Philip J Pierre administration, further exacerbating economic challenges and deepening the suffering of the populace. The introduction of the 2.5% tax comes at a time when the global economy is still reeling from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many citizens have lost…

Will the Saint Lucia Labour Party Embrace Richard Frederick Amid Controversies?

The Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) is facing a moral and political dilemma that raises important questions about the party’s values, integrity, and its willingness to accept controversial figures within its ranks. One such figure at the center of this dilemma is Housing Minister Richard Frederick, who has continuously come under scrutiny for various allegations and actions that cast a…

Will someone call out Dr. Kenny Anthony’s Hypocrisy and Deceit Regarding the Politicization of IMPACS

In a recent media interview, Dr. Kenny Anthony has come under intense scrutiny for his deceptive and misleading statements regarding the IMPACS issue, attempting to absolve himself of any wrongdoing in the management of this highly controversial matter. Dr. Anthony conveniently seems to have forgotten that during his tenure as Opposition leader in 2010/2011, he made several accusations about then…

A Government steeped in Hypocrisy

Howard Dean, a former Governor of the State of Vermont and a former Democratic Party candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America, in a 2005 interview on the public affairs television program, Meet the Press, enounced,  “Hypocrisy is a value that I think has been embraced by the Republican Party. We get lectured by people all day…