Wilfred St. Clair Daniel: Excellence in Communication Award

Mr. Wilfred St. Clair Daniel was born in June 1923 and was educated at the Methodist Primary School and later at the Castries Intermediate School.

He started his working life as a teacher. He became involved in the second world war and was stationed at the headquarters of the Windward Islands Garrison of the South Caribbean Force. In 1945 he received the War Medal. He also worked with the Shell Oil Company in Curacao for four years.

 On his return to Saint Lucia, he became involved in the field of journalism and politics. In 1952 he became the Assistant Editor at the Voice Publishing Company and by 1962 was promoted to Editor. He worked in that capacity until 1969.  In 1957 he unsuccessfully contested the Anse-La-Raye/Canaries seat as a Candidate for the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), a Party of which he was a Founder. He became a member of the United Workers Party when the PPP merged with Sir John’s NLM.

Mr. St. Clair Daniel was credited for being an effective speaker on the political platforms, and his performances were described as fantastic. He was able to capture the interests of his audiences. 

He was first elected as Speaker of the House in 1967 and remained in that position throughout the governance of the United Workers Party until 1997.  However, there was a break in that position from 1979 to 1982 during the governance of the short-lived St. Lucia Labour Party. He was Speaker for a total of 27 years and has been credited as the longest serving Speaker. Mr. Ira D’Auvergne, a member of the UWP in describing St. Clair Daniel’s ability as Speaker, noted that, “He served with honour, dignity, excellence and above all else impartiality.”   

Mr. St. Clair Daniel also served on various Boards including the Lucia Tourist Board for 18 years (including one term as its Chairman); Chairman of the Eastern Caribbean Tourism Association and as a Director of the Caribbean Tourism Association.  He was Chairman of the Boys’ Brigade Island Council and also Chairman of the St John Council of St Lucia He was a Lay Preacher within the Methodist Church for several years. His interest in the preservation of Saint Lucia’s history and culture motivated him to help establish the Archaeological and Historical Society as well as the St. Lucia National Trust. 

He received several decorations during his life of service, including the Commander of the British Empire and Commander of the Order of St John.

Photo Credits: Wilfred St Clair Facebook Page and The Star Newspaper