The United Workers Party has obtained a leaked copy of the contract for Philip J Pierre’s Halls of Injustice. The agreement between the Government of Saint Lucia and Trinidadian construction company NH reveals yet another attempt by Prime Minister Philip J Pierre to deceive the people of Saint Lucia.

When the project was initially signed, Prime Minister Pierre claimed that the project would only cost $143 Million. Based on the details of the agreement we can confirm that it is much more! The attached breakdown is as follows:

-Cost of Construction- $143 Million

-Transaction Cost- $21.7 Million

-Transaction Cost- $127.8 Million

This brings the total cost of Pierre’s Halls of Injustice to a mammoth $292.5 Million dollars! Another blatant lie by the Lie Minister #PierreEhCare#HallsofInJustice#SaveOurSaintLucia#PuttingYouWorse

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