The state of the Owen King EU Hospital in Saint Lucia paints a troubling picture of the island’s healthcare system. Despite being a modern facility, the hospital is grappling with severe deficiencies that undermine its ability to provide adequate care. Nurses and doctors are reportedly purchasing their own supplies to perform their duties, highlighting a critical lack of basic medical provisions. This situation is exacerbated by ongoing water issues, which pose significant health risks and hinder daily operations.

Moreover, the hospital faces a chronic shortage of beds, forcing patients to endure the indignity and discomfort of lying on the floors. This overcrowding not only compromises patient dignity but also raises serious concerns about infection control and overall patient safety. The scarcity of essential medicines, including basic painkillers, further exacerbates the plight of patients and their families. Many relatives are compelled to buy these medications from outside pharmacies due to the hospital’s inability to stock them.

This dire situation unfolds against the backdrop of a new 2.5% Health & Security Levy implemented by Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre. The public expected that this tax would alleviate some of the systemic issues plaguing healthcare. However, the reality is starkly different. The overall budget for healthcare has actually decreased since the levy was introduced, leading many to question the efficacy and transparency of the government’s fiscal management and its commitment to improving healthcare services. #PierreEhCare#PuttingYouWorse#SaveOurSaintLucia

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