Tag: Hurricane

Prime Minister Pierre’s Questionable Priorities in the Wake of Hurricane Beryl

Prime Minister Philip J Pierre’s recent statement regarding Saint Lucia’s financial constraints in assisting those affected by Hurricane Beryl has sparked considerable outrage among the public. His assertion that the government lacks sufficient funds to provide widespread assistance stands in stark contrast to recent decisions that have allocated substantial sums to various large-scale projects. According to documented reports, Prime Minister…

3 Questions for Stephenson King

While we send our prayers up to the heavens, that we were generally speared the wraft of Hurricane Beryl, with no loss of life or significant destruction here on Saint Lucia, we must reflect on whether the country was adequately prepared for this weather system. The Ministry of Infrastructure in its present configuration takes a lead role in national preparation.…

Beneath Contempt: The Prime Minister’s Cynical Attempt To Buy Favour In The Wake Of Hurricane Beryl

By James Stanislaus “It is utterly appalling and reprehensible that Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre would prioritize political expediency over the welfare of the people of Soufriere, who have suffered devastating losses due to the ravages of Hurricane Beryl. His callous disregard for the plight of his constituents is a stark reminder of his administration’s tone-deafness to the needs of…

Condemnation of Prime Minister Philip J Pierre’s Soufriere Bribery Plot

The recent scandal surrounding Prime Minister Philip J Pierre, implicating him in a bribery scheme with Soufriere MP Emma Hippolyte, have shocked and dismayed many across Saint Lucia. According to reports, the Prime Minister was allegedly captured on video, during a livestream produced by his communications unit, discussing payments of $1500 to residents of Baron’s Drive. The livestream, which was…

Senator Herod Stanislas checks up on residents of Soufriere after the passage of Hurricane Beryl

I have spent the morning checking up on residents, businesses and institutions that were affected by the passage of Hurricane Beryl in Soufriere. Whilst I am thankful that no lives were lost during the passage of the storm, many of our people along the waterfront have been severely affected by flood waters. I appeal to the Government to ensure that…

Hon. Allen Chastanet’s prayer for Safety during the Passage of Hurricane Beryl

Heavenly Father, We come before You as a nation, united in prayer, as Hurricane Beryl approaches our beloved Saint Lucia. We ask for Your divine protection over our island, our homes, and our people. Shelter us under Your wings and shield us from the storm’s fury. Grant wisdom and strength to our leaders, emergency responders, and every citizen as we…

UWP Urges Saint Lucians to Stay Safe as Hurricane Beryl approaches

The United Workers Party (UWP) urges all Saint Lucians to prioritize safety and preparedness as Hurricane Beryl approaches our island. Here are some key steps to take: Stay Informed: Closely monitor weather updates from official sources like the Saint Lucia Meteorological Services (https://met.gov.lc/). Prepare Your Home: Secure loose outdoor items, trim trees, and ensure windows are boarded up if necessary.…