The United Workers Party Canada Caucus condemns Prime Minister Philip Pierre’s disgraceful attempt to use the term “a product of Canada” as an insult for those who support the United Workers Party. This attempt to use a phrase that thousands of St Lucian-Canadians share and can identify with as an insult, based on former Prime Minister Allen Chastanet’s statement about his time as a student in Montreal, is a blatant attempt to fracture our nation and undermine the positive contributions of our diaspora.

It is particularly disheartening that Prime Minister Pierre chose to use this term derogatorily during a post-Hurricane Beryl walk-through of Soufriere. During this visit, he referred to a man identified as a UWP supporter by Parliamentary Representative Emma Hippolyte as “a product of Canada.” Such actions are unbecoming of a leader and only serve to deepen divisions at a time when unity is paramount. It is also a shame for the Parliamentary Representative to be singling out UWP supporters for the Prime Minister to mock and ridicule, especially in the aftermath of a hurricane.

Canada has been an unwavering ally in Saint Lucia’s development. The Government of Canada funded the construction of the Castries Comprehensive School, a cornerstone of our education system. Through the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI), Canada has consistently supported the building and renovation of schools and essential infrastructure, benefiting countless Saint Lucian communities.

In the aftermath of the devastating 2017 hurricane season, Canada’s $100 million commitment to Caribbean Reconstruction and Economic and Climate Resilience was a lifeline for Saint Lucia, strengthening our disaster planning and response capabilities. Canada’s continued support for climate resilience, sustainable governance, and economic diversification through initiatives like the Canada-CARICOM Expert Deployment Mechanism has been invaluable.

Prime Minister Pierre seems to have conveniently forgotten the significant contributions of the large Saint Lucian community in Canada. These individuals send substantial remittances, invest in local businesses, and promote our tourism industry abroad. During times of crisis, such as natural disasters, the Saint Lucian diaspora in Canada has been instrumental in providing aid and support.

We urge Prime Minister Pierre and his colleagues to reflect on their own experiences studying abroad. Many have pursued education in the US, UK, Trinidad, Jamaica, Barbados, Cuba, Taiwan, and other countries—should their experiences and the contributions these countries have made to shaping them be mocked?

Just recently, Prime Minister Pierre proposed amending the Citizenship Act to extend citizenship to the grandchildren of Saint Lucians, acknowledging the importance of our diaspora. Yet, he uses “a product of Canada” as a pejorative. This hypocrisy is not only divisive but also undermines the contributions of thousands of Saint Lucians who have benefitted from Canada’s generosity.

Prime Minister Pierre must cease his divisive rhetoric and focus on uniting our nation. The aftermath of Hurricane Beryl demands our collective effort and solidarity, not political point-scoring.

The United Workers Party Canada Caucus remains proud products of Saint Lucia and Canada and stand committed to our nation through the support of Canada. We celebrate the profound impact that Canada has had on our lives and on our beloved Saint Lucia.

United Workers Party Canada Caucus Minerva Ward – Chair 416-828-6991

About United Workers Party Canada Caucus:
The United Workers Party Canada Caucus, formed by Saint Lucians in Canada, supports the vision and values of the UWP. We mobilize information, engage our members, and raise funds to support UWP activities, promoting good governance, transparency, and the well- being of Saint Lucians

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