Remember that time when Ernest Hilaire used his Duty Free Allowance as High Commissioner to by the first Range Rover for his brother Paul?
Well Ernest’s favorite brother Paul Hilaire who was previously recalled from retirement when the SLP assumed office has now been made a Permanent Secretary in a Ministry headed by Prime Minister Philip J Pierre.
More jobs for their friends, family and comrades whilst the Prime Minister increases taxes to pay for his SLP traveling and hiring spree #PierreEhCare#PuttingYouWorse#LabourPains
How much healthcare for Joachim Henry and Virginia Albert-Poyotte cost Taxpayers?
Recent events surrounding the healthcare expenditures of Ministers Joachim Henry and Virginia Albert Poyotte in Martinique under the leadership of Prime Minister Philip J Pierre have cast a shadow of doubt on the government’s commitment to openness. The lack of disclosure regarding the exact amount of taxpayers’ money spent on the medical treatment of these ministers raises serious concerns about…
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