Crime in Saint Lucia is getting worse and worse. Citizens no longer feel safe. I hear story after story of people being assaulted, robbed, abused, and killed. Since the UWP left office in 2021, homicides have increased 25%. This is not the Saint Lucia that we love!

Whilst in Government, these are a few of the initiatives that my administration implemented to improve Security and Justice:


1) Reopened the Forensic Lab

2) Recruited more police

3) Purchased New Engines for the Marine Police

4) Rehabilitated all of our Court Houses

5) Commenced Plans for new Halls of Justice and Police HQ

6) Resumption of support from the US to the Police

7) Appointed More Judges

8 ) Appointed of a Director of Public Prosecutions DPP

9) Amended the Crown Proceedings Act

10) Repairs done to all Police stations

11) Installed hundreds of CCTV cameras

12) Recommenced the After School Programme

13) Expanded the City Police and Bicycle Unit

14) Introduced the Canine Unit

15) Commenced the Border Control initiative

16) Regained support from the United States of America for the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force

We must reclaim the streets from the criminals, which begins with the government doing its job – a job it is currently failing to do. #SaveOurSaintLucia

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