This Philip J Pierre led administration continues to spend taxpayer funds with very little to no transparency. For the last 4 months, tens of millions of taxpayer dollars have been spent to get 3 sporting facilities ready for World Cup Cricket. All contracts have been given without tendering and the Government refuses to say who has those contracts and how much is being spent on these projects. This has led to lots of speculation on the true expenditure of these projects.

How much has been spent at Daren Sammy Stadium so far? Persons associated with the project claim as much as $40 Million! The public deserves to know!

How much has been spent on the Gros Islet Playing Field? Citizens are saying $5 Million!

How much has been spent on the Mindoo Philip Park? A close ally of the Sports Minister says $20 Million!

When will Prime Minister Philip J Pierre and Kenson Casimir account to Saint Lucians on how our millions of our taxpayer funds have been spent by Direct Award on these 3 facilities? Citizens deserve to know! #PierreEhCare#PuttingYouWorse#SaveOurSaintLucia

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