In case you haven’t heard, the Philip J. Pierre-led administration has awarded contracts to Fresh Start Construction to recommence the Talvern and Choc Housing Projects. These projects were halted when the administration assumed office in July 2021.

Upon taking office three years ago, the Pierre administration immediately stopped two major housing projects initiated under the previous United Workers Party (UWP) administration. The newly appointed Housing Minister, Richard Frederick, publicly claimed that the Talvern and Choc Housing Projects lacked Development Control Authority (DCA) Planning approval. However, Frederick’s statements were swiftly debunked when evidence of the DCA approvals for both projects was made public within hours. Despite further allegations of corruption from Frederick, thorough investigations over the past three years found no evidence to support these claims, leaving the government embarrassed for denying over 400 Saint Lucians the opportunity to own homes.

The Choc Housing Project, which initially commenced in May 2020, would have by now provided 211 Saint Lucians with the opportunity to own their homes. Similarly, the Talvern Housing Project in Babonneau, which began in May 2021, would have benefited another 210 Saint Lucians.

The UWP welcomes the news of the recommencement of these two important housing projects. This development will finally enable hundreds of Saint Lucians to own a piece of the place they call home.

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