Justice & Security

A Comparison of the Homicide rate under the UWP and SLP Administration

The data shows that under the UWP, efforts to combat violent crime had seen some success, particularly with the drop in 2018, although challenges persisted. In contrast, the increase in homicides during the SLP’s tenure points to rising concerns over the effectiveness of the current administration’s crime prevention policies. The sustained rate of over 70 homicides per year under the…

Hon. Allen Chastanet reports on some of the Security & Justice Initiatives taken by his Administration

Crime in Saint Lucia is getting worse and worse. Citizens no longer feel safe. I hear story after story of people being assaulted, robbed, abused, and killed. Since the UWP left office in 2021, homicides have increased 25%. This is not the Saint Lucia that we love! Whilst in Government, these are a few of the initiatives that my administration…