Leader of the Opposition Hon. Allen Chastanet has written to Prime Minister Philip J Pierre calling on him to remove the 2.5% Levy for all Saint Lucians and not just a selected few.

These are some of key points in Hon. Chastanet’s letter to the PM:

1) On July 12, 2024, the public learned via Instrument No. 108 of 2024 that the Cabinet of Ministers granted a zero percent levy to the consultants, contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, and utility companies for Rodney Bay City Center Ltd.

2) This selective exemption is deemed both unlawful and unjust.

3) The 2.5% tax mandated by the Health and Citizen Security Levy Act has had a disastrous effect on the economy, worsening inflation and burdening households and businesses.

4) The government initially claimed the levy would bolster health and security sectors, but it was later revealed that the tax was for revenue recovery to comply with terms from the Caribbean Development Bank and World Bank.

5) The United Workers Party (UWP) had warned that the levy would hinder economic recovery, exacerbate inflation, and negatively impact the economy.

6) The levy taxed essential goods and services, impacting the poorest and most vulnerable, contrary to government promises.

7) Higher costs for essential goods and services reduce disposable incomes, stifle consumer spending, and deter potential investors.

8 ) The Act does not authorize selective exemptions for approved developers, making the proposed exemption for Rodney Bay City Center Ltd. unlawful and unfair.

Hon. Chastanet concluded his letter to PM Pierre by calling for the complete removal of the tax for ALL Saint Lucians and business #PierrePasBon #PuttingYouWorse #WTF #SaveOurSaintLucia

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