Earlier this week, the Government of Saint Lucia announced that Prime Minister Pierre would be travelling to Dominica to attend the funeral of Cardinal Kelvin Felix. What the Government did not announce was that PM Pierre would also be attending a meeting with OECS CIP heads whilst on the same trip to Dominica.
Saint Lucians only became aware of the secret meeting when Prime Minister Dr. Terrence Drew made a post via his official Facebook page announcing that he had chaired a meeting of CIP Prime Ministers whilst in Dominica.
Based on information coming out of the meeting, it is reported that several of PM Pierre’s colleagues blasted his management of the unfolding CIP scandal in Saint Lucia.
Pierre’s colleagues are reportedly irate that Saint Lucia’s careless actions are threatening the existence of the Caribbean’s entire CIP. Saint Lucia refused to sign a Memorandum of Agreement with other CIP countries which would have seen a common price and standard being adopted by all islands. It was later revealed that Saint Lucia had signed a contract with Chinese Real Estate company Caribbean Galaxy, resulting in Pierre’s decision to refuse to sign on to the agreement. Caribbean Galaxy and the CEO of Saint Lucia’s CIP are now defendants in a RICO lawsuit filed in the United States of America in relation to allegations of a billion dollar corruption scandal.
The OECS leaders are reportedly also angry that Saint Lucia has not published any CIP annual reports for the last 2 years as mandated by law. This blatant abuse of the law and lack of transparency has raised numerous red flags with our international partners in the US, Canada and Europe adding another layer of suspicion to an already controversial situation.
Has Pierre finally signed the MOA? When will he table in parliament the audited financial statements and annual report as mandated by law? When will Prime Minister Pierre be honest with Saint Lucians? #PierreEhCare#PuttingYouWorse#SaveOurSaintLucia
A Nation in Decline
by James Stanislaus Joseph Goebbels was a German Nazi philologist and Minister of Propaganda in Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich. He appreciated and understood the potency of falsehoods and proclaimed, “If you repeat a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” The St. Lucia Labour Party has unfailingly been a zealous follower and fanatical…
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