There is a major difference between Citizenships that have been APPROVED and those that have been ALLOCATED.

Citizenships that have been APPROVED are those that have gone through the entire application process and have received final approval.

Citizenships that have been ALLOCATED are those that have been assigned to a developer so that they can sell.

According to Ernest Hilaire, so far the CIP Unit has approved 1,367 citizenships for Caribbean Galaxy. What he did not speak about is how many citizenships that Galaxy has been ALLOCATED in total.

Based on information circulating in the public domain which was obtained from CEO of Saint Lucia’s CIP Unit, it is alleged that Galaxy has been ALLOCATED a total of 14,000 citizenships which they can sell. 7,000 under the Real Estate option and 7,000 under the Infrastructure option.

7,000 Citizenships under the Real Estate option at US$200,000each is US$1.4 Billion!

7,000 Citizenships under the Infrastructure option at US$100,000 each is US$700 Million! US$2.1 Billion worth of Citizenships have been allegedly allocated to Galaxy!

When will Ernest Hilaire and the Government let Saint Lucians know how many citizenships that Galaxy has been ALLOCATED for sale? Saint Lucians deserve to know the truth! #WheresOurMoney#PierreEhCare#PuttingYouWorse#SaveOurSaintLucia

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